include OpenHack
author =
slides =
wait until author.ready?
author.present(slides) do |slide|
print slide
any_questions? if slide.last?
Guide | Empower | Connect
The mission of Just Arrived is to enrich and empower the labor market by guiding, empowering and connecting foreign-born competence with the staffing needs of Swedish companies.
We envision ourselves being the most trusted go to-place for all foreign-born in need of work.
Built up by over 200 volunteers, representing 60 companies and authorities in Sweden, we now work with over 100 customers and have users from over 100 countries, speaking more than 80 different languages.
How many hackathons have you been too?
How can I find more information and/or a guide on how I can get my first job i Sweden?
Currently information for job seekers are spread out.
Arbetsförmedlingen, Skatteverket, Migrationsverket, Försäkringskassan etc
Could the best guides and information be curated by harvesting insights from the many?
Also, is it possible to curate the best information from different authorities and institutions and present it in one place?
Conceptualize how can users rate/vote/give feedback on content?
We all believe in the web. It’s open, searchable, linkable and accessible in a way that native apps, frankly, are not
Wikipedia/Stack Overflow for job seekers?
Remember the code from the first slide?
include OpenHack
author =
slides =
wait until author.ready?
author.present(slides) do |slide|
print slide
any_questions? if slide.last?
DEADLINE =, 5, 18, 19, 0, 0).freeze
module OpenHack;end
module OpenHack::Hackathon;end
String.class_eval { define_method(:last?) { false } }
NilClass.class_eval { define_method(:last?) { true } }
define_method(:wait) { puts 'Still not ready..';sleep 3 }
define_method(:any_questions?) { puts 'Any questions?' }
define_method(:feedback) { puts 'Feedback?' }
class OpenHack::Presenter <
define_method(:ready?) { >= DEADLINE }
def present(slides); slides.to_a.each { |slide| yield(slide) };end
class OpenHack::Hackathon::Slides
define_method(:initialize) { @slides ='').split('---') }
define_method(:to_a) { @slides + [nil] }
This actually makes the previous code work
Guide | Empower | Connect