include OpenHack

author =
slides =

wait until author.ready?

author.present(slides) do |slide|
  print slide
  any_questions? if slide.last?

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Have you contributed to Open source?

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  • Personal opinions, not the opinions of my employer.
  • YMMV - Your mileage may vary)
  • IANAL - I’m not a lawyer

Jacob Burenstam

  • Open source tinkerer
  • Useless code enthusiast
  • Co-Founder and CTO at Just Arrived

I love open source

This slide deck is open source

Just Arrived is open source :heart:

P.S We’re hiring

@buren :heart: open source

  • Active in open source for over 5 years
  • Contributed to >30 OSS projects
  • Open source libs/projects of my own
    • Just Arrived is by far the largest :wink:

:heart: Hackathons

  • Android TV, Hackathon winner @ Google
    • “Read automatic captions and use NLP to link various topics to Wikipedia, Maps, IMDB etc”
  • Just Arrived got started at OpenHack!



  • What is open source?
  • Licenses, MIT, GPL etc :books:
  • Richard Stallman & Linus Torvalds :neckbeard:

What is open source?

  • What is open source?
  • Licenses, MIT, GPL etc :books:
  • Richard Stallman & Linus Torvalds :neckbeard:

Licenses, MIT, GPL etc :books:

  • What is open source?
  • Licenses, MIT, GPL etc :books:
  • Richard Stallman & Linus Torvalds :neckbeard:

Richard Stallman & Linus Torvalds :neckbeard:

Completely different views on open source. Even though both are considered open source “heroes”.

I didn’t want code, I wanted comments. - Linus Torvalds

If you use a proprietary program, you’re defenceless. - Richard Stallman

  • What is open source?
  • Licenses, MIT, GPL etc :books:
  • Richard Stallman & Linus Torvalds :neckbeard:

Questions or comments?

Open Source Business

Open Source Business

Open source companies :office:

  • Sentry (
  • Just Arrived
  • Discourse
  • Neo4J

Open source risks? :lock:

  • Open source companies :office:
  • Open source risks? :lock:

Questions or comments?

Open Source Motivation :muscle:

Open Source Motivation :muscle:

  • Why are all these developers giving away their code? :scream:
    • Hobbyist, Hackers, Tinkerers
    • Curiosity
  • Its fun and unexpected stuff happens!
    • Writing a brainfuck interpreter in a 20-day-old language
    • Archiving certain USGOV sites in response to Trump

Why are all these developers giving away their code? :scream:

  • Hobbyist, Hackers, Tinkerers
  • Curiosity

What is your motivation?

Its fun and unexpected stuff happens!

Two stories of my own

Writing a brainfuck interpreter in a 20-day-old language.

Vivaldi - Hacker News

Current examples

I wonder if I can write a

brainfuck interpreter with Vivaldi



Github issue #1


Archiving certain USGOV sites in response to Trump

Professors were scared that the Trump administration would withdraw funding for certain gov-sites.

They started mass-archiving sites to the Internet Archive. 200TB gov-data backed up to Internet Archive

Questions or comments?

Big open source™

Big open source™

  • Modern open source
    • Google (TensorFlow, Kubernetes, Angular, …)
    • Facebook (React, HHVM, jest, …) and what about their patent-clause?
    • Microsoft, yes Microsoft.. (dotnet, vscode, TypeScript, ..)
  • Could open source be used in new places?
    • Outside of software?
    • Open source banks? governments?
    • Why aren’t governments institutions open sourcing their code???
      • WHY?!?#!@#^! :hocho:

Modern open source

  • Google (TensorFlow, Kubernetes, Angular, …)
  • Facebook (React, HHVM, jest, …) and what about their patent-clause?
  • Microsoft, yes Microsoft.. (dotnet, vscode, TypeScript, ..)
  • Modern open source
  • Could open source be used in new places?
    • Outside of software?
    • Open source banks? governments?
    • Why aren’t governments institutions open sourcing their code???
      • WHY?!?#!@#^! :hocho:

Could open source be used in new places?

  • Open source banks? governments?
  • Why aren’t governments institutions open sourcing their code???
    • WHY?!?#!@#^! :hocho:
  • Outside of software?
  • Modern open source
  • Could open source be used in new places?

Questions or comments?

Contribute to open source

Contribute to open source

  • How can I get started contributing?
    • Contributing to a OSS project
    • Building a OSS project

How can I get started contributing?

  • Contributing to a OSS project
    • Start small
    • Read some old pull requests and issues
    • Validate that your change is needed
    • Be nice :smiley:
    • Spend time on writing good issues and pull requests
  • Building a OSS project
    • Build something yourselves
    • Being a maintainer can be hard
    • People are not always nice

Remember the code from the first slide?

include OpenHack

author =
slides =

wait until author.ready?

author.present(slides) do |slide|
  print slide
  any_questions? if slide.last?
DEADLINE =, 6, 3, 14, 30, 0).freeze
module OpenHack;end
module OpenHack::OpenSource;end
String.class_eval { define_method(:last?) { false } }
NilClass.class_eval { define_method(:last?) { true } }
define_method(:wait) { puts 'Still not ready..';sleep 3 }
define_method(:any_questions?) { puts 'Any questions?' }
define_method(:feedback) { puts 'Feedback?' }
class OpenHack::Presenter <
  define_method(:ready?) { >= DEADLINE }
  def present(slides); slides.to_a.each { |slide| yield(slide) };end
class OpenHack::OpenSource::Slides
  define_method(:initialize) { @slides ='').split('---') }
  define_method(:to_a) { @slides + [nil] }

This actually makes the previous code work :trollface:

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